Wednesday, 16 September at 6pm in Room IFW E42
Dear colleagues,
The DGESS is becoming more lively again and next wednesday, we cordially invite you to get to meet scientific staff colleagues from DGES! We invite you to this year’s general assembly of the scientific staff, hosted by the ASST (Association of Scientific Staff at DGESS) on Wednesday, 16 September at 6pm in Room IFW E42, followed by an Apèro.
Join the elections, vote or just listen, or just spontaneously join the Apèro to chat a bit with a few of your diverse and charming colleagues from D-GESS! You don’t have to be member of ASST/AVETH or register, just pass by.
At the general assembly, we will provide a short overview of recent political ongoings at DGESS and then vote on the new scientific staff representatives in the teaching commissions, department conference, and the ASST.
If you are interested in department- or ETH-politics, meeting colleagues and nice new people, planning social, cultural, or academic events, or becoming active in teaching commissions, we have the following options for you:
Become a…
- Board Member of the Association of Scientific Staff (ASST), the representative association for all doctoral students, postdocs, and senior assistants at DGESS.
- Representative in the DGESS Department Conference, the highest body of the department which has meetings twice a semester.
- Representative in teaching commissions for studies offered at DGESS (MACIS, MAGPW) and the Science in Perspective-courses.
In case you are interested or would like further information, please write us an email. We are looking forward to hear from you!